
Hello. I’m Paul. I hope you find the information you need on this website. Do contact me should you have further questions.

Experiences in life can leave us not just with bad memories (or sometimes fragmented memories) but also with injuries to our sense of self. Those injuries can be expressed in our moods; what we do or feel we can’t do; how we feel about ourselves, other people, our lives and our futures. That’s what I work with. I offer help with difficulties such as trauma, anxiety, depression, stress, the enhancement of confidence & performance, and personal development.

I have worked as a therapist for over 35 years, in Higher Education, the NHS, the Third Sector & independent practice as a therapist, supervisor, service manager & trainer of therapists. In my therapeutic practice I integrate EMDR, body & energy psychotherapies, Deep Brain Reorienting, Comprehensive Resource Model, clinical hypnosis and cognitive behavioural procedures.

I have postgraduate training in integrative counselling & psychotherapy and clinical hypnosis, and consultant status in Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR). I am accredited as a Senior Practitioner by the BACP and a Consultant by EMDR Europe.

I have particular expertise in the treatment of post traumatic experiences: I was a contributor to NICE National Clinical Practice Guideline No. 26 – Post-traumatic stress disorder: the management of PTSD in adults and children in primary, secondary and community care. I have an interest in transpersonal & spiritual dimensions and have conducted postgraduate research into anomalous experiences in the therapeutic process.

I work mainly in Brighton & Hove but also online over various platforms. I charge £105 a session. If you’re thinking of embarking on therapy, I’d be pleased to discuss how I might be of help before you decide to proceed.


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